
The Project Future Food Imaginaries begins with the realisation that the existing food system, and the diets this food system caters for, is a major contributor to both climate change and global inequality. This page lists some of the major climate/food science projects that study the relationship between the food system and ongoing biospheric breakdown and that help guide the project.

Food Climate Science

The initiatives listed under this heading research how food and food systems affect the environment. They produce a lot of hard data and also speculate on what can be done to make food and food production/transportation more sustainable and just.
The Eating in the Anthropocene (EAT)-Lancet Commission on Food, Planet, Health.
The Berkeley Food Institute
Food Climate Research Network
The Stockholm Resilience Centre

Food Initiatives for Change

The organisations listed under this heading are science-based initiatives that actively seek to change the way that people eat. Many of them are actively researching the relationship between foodways and the climate but their main focus is to contribute to sustainability and positive transformation through collaboration with people and stakeholders.

Future Food Institute

Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)


World Food Program

Thought for Food

Critical Food Studies

The sites listed below include organisations that employ a wide humanities and social science register to try to understand how people feel and understand food.

Critical Food Studies


This list is not conclusive and will be expanded during the project. If you want to suggest a climate science initiative, an NGO working with food and sustainability, or a critical food studies organisation, please get in touch here